
Hinds County School District joins Verizon Innovative Learning, Verizon’s award-winning education initiative which addresses barriers to digital inclusion. In partnership with Digital Promise, the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program equips every student and teacher at select middle and high schools across America with a device and up to a four-year data plan. In addition to technology and access, schools receive extensive teacher training and support, along with the opportunity to engage in powerful teaching and learning that leverages technology in and out of the classroom.
However, in order for each student to receive this new Chromebook, the following requirements must first be met:

  1. The student must be a fully registered student of Terry High School.

  2. All fees from previous school years must be cleared and the $30 tech fee paid.

  3. The attached Parent Agreement must be completed by the Parent/Guardian and the Student Agreement must be completed by the student. THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONE TIME...IF THE FORM WAS FILLED OUT IN THE PREVIOUS SCHOOL YEAR, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DONE A SECOND TIME.